6分钟前 武汉莫诺转子承诺守信「螺耐斯」[螺耐斯10e361c]内容:A、定子A, stator定子是螺杆泵的一个关键部件,并直接影响到井下机组的寿命。定子制造质量越高,井下机组的寿命就越长。定子的作用就是提供转子工作和液体抽汲的螺旋腔,其结构非常简单,由钢制外壳和塑料/橡胶衬套内腔有双螺旋、三螺旋、四螺旋甚至五螺旋、六螺旋,在相同尺寸下,螺旋数越多,泵的排量越高。The stator is a key component of the screw pump, which directly affects the life of the downhole unit. The higher the quality of the stator, the longer the life of the downhole unit. The role is to provide a rotor stator and liquid pumping spiral cavity drain, the structure is very simple, a steel shell and a plastic / rubber bushing cavity with double helix, three helix, four or even five, six spiral helical spiral, in the same size, the number of spiral, the displacement of the pump is high.
2024-01-19 19:32 浏览:42
6分钟前 武汉莫诺转子承诺守信「螺耐斯」[螺耐斯10e361c]内容:A、定子A, stator定子是螺杆泵的一个关键部件,并直接影响到井下机组的寿命。定子制造质量越高,井下机组的寿命就越长。定子的作用就是提供转子工作和液体抽汲的螺旋腔,其结构非常简单,由钢制外壳和塑料/橡胶衬套内腔有双螺旋、三螺旋、四螺旋甚至五螺旋、六螺旋,在相同尺寸下,螺旋数越多,泵的排量越高。The stator is a key component of the screw pump, which directly affects the life of the downhole unit. The higher the quality of the stator, the longer the life of the downhole unit. The role is to provide a rotor stator and liquid pumping spiral cavity drain, the structure is very simple, a steel shell and a plastic / rubber bushing cavity with double helix, three helix, four or even five, six spiral helical spiral, in the same size, the number of spiral, the displacement of the pump is high.
6分钟前 武汉莫诺转子承诺守信「螺耐斯」[螺耐斯10e361c]内容:A、定子A, stator定子是螺杆泵的一个关键部件,并直接影响到井下机组的寿命。定子制造质量越高,井下机组的寿命就越长。定子的作用就是提供转子工作和液体抽汲的螺旋腔,其结构非常简单,由钢制外壳和塑料/橡胶衬套内腔有双螺旋、三螺旋、四螺旋甚至五螺旋、六螺旋,在相同尺寸下,螺旋数越多,泵的排量越高。The stator is a key component of the screw pump, which directly affects the life of the downhole unit. The higher the quality of the stator, the longer the life of the downhole unit. The role is to provide a rotor stator and liquid pumping spiral cavity drain, the structure is very simple, a steel shell and a plastic / rubber bushing cavity with double helix, three helix, four or even five, six spiral helical spiral, in the same size, the number of spiral, the displacement of the pump is high.